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You know you overpacked when you pack for 6-7 days and end up only using 3 days worth of clothes, that is what i call living green. Now that i have clean clothes i feel like a new man, extra bounce in my step and all that good stuff.

The swimmers have been having a lot of fun and doing a pretty good job in the pool. The practices in have been pretty hard and that in addition to all the walking, they are fairly tired. At least until we see a gelato shop then you would think they are tapered. We have walked a bit, even up a small hill. Now granted it was kind of step, the last quarter of the way up was all escalators. Now yours truly (that’s me) does not do the escalator thing, i walk up and i walk up with pride. Listening to the swimmers huffing and puffing up the small hill, you would think they were all smoking 3 packs a day, i thought it was an easy walk with a slight rise in heart rate.

At the top of the HILL, the view was magnificent. you could see the whole city and the Mediterranean. after coming back down we went into plaza d catalunya for lunch and free time. sergio took us to great tapas place for some interesting food. delicious it was.

This mornings practice was brutal for the distance swimmers (kyle and tamara), they had to do 1800 meters at their mile pace. they were pretty tired and were not quite at mile pace but were putting an excellent effort and did a very good job. after practice they got to rest a bit at the club before heading into sabadell for lunch and free time. then back to the pool for some rest and another gut buster of a practice.

that is all for now ‘fins dema’

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  1. 06/04/2009

    SMALL HILL!! ARE YOU CRAZYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more like mountain! 🙂


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