I was waiting for the elevator to go down from my apartment to sit in the street and make a couple of phone calls and write this blog, when I saw the quote above. I don’t know who placed the quote next to the elevator so everybody could see it. Either Team Singapore or Team Japan, but honestly it is a great idea to place quotes like this every day in a place where the athletes, coaches and everyone can see it and hopefully use it.
I know I can use it everyday in my life. Something I always tell my swimmers and my own kids about how to take care of their lives but many times I don’t remember it for myself. Now it is time for the swimmers and coaches to believe in the work that they have done and the way they have prepared. Nothing else matters.
This is a great quote that we can use everyday of our lives and I want to encourage everyone to use it because you will see great results. Thanks BJ Bedford.
Time to call home and talk with Sandy and the kids and ready for my first night here in the Olympic Village. What am not sure is if my roommate Ian Turner is ready for my snoring 😉
Great day today since I got to see Megan Fonteno, Ariana Vanderpool-Wallace, Fabiola Molina, Charlie Houchin, Kareem Ennab, Anderson Lim and Nimrod Shapira. Good Times!