It has been over a year from my last posting and a lot of people probably thought that I was done posting. No way Jose 😉 My only excuse is that over these past 12 months a lot of things
I just got back from watching Skyfall the new James Bond movie and I have to say that both Sandy and I had a very good time. I know that probably the guy next to me could not believe that
Yesterday my wife and I were invited to a presentation of the new James Bond Movie Skyfall sponsored by OMEGA. Sandy and I went to the reception at the OMEGA Boutique here in Jacksonville that is located in the St.
I am back with my blog and I promise you that I will keep posting regularly 😉
August 7th I left London with my family to go to Barcelona for a short 8 day vacation. It was great to be
These past two days since I have not been able to get any tickets for my family to watch any events 🙁
Yesterday and today we walked a lot and we saw some pretty cool things here in Lomdon. Also
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